2014(e)ko apirilaren 3(a), osteguna


Shakira 1977ko otsailaren 2an jaiotako abeslari bat da. Abesteaz aparte beste gauza asko egiten ditu, diseinatu, produzitu, dantzatu, modeloa izan... 2001ean lortu zuen bere fama mundiala izatea, Hips don't like bere abesti famatuenikoa bat da, hasierako abesti bat da. Sari batzuk baita lortu ditu 2 Grammy eta 10 Grammy Latino. Sakirak bere abestiak ez ditu soilik hizkuntza batean abesten, bitan baizik, Gazteleraz eta Ingelesez. Abeslari hau futbolari famatu batekin ezkonduta dago Piquerekin eta seme bat daukate Milan izenarekin. Atera buen azkenengo abestia Empire da.

Take off all of your skin 
And brave when you are free 
Shake off all of your sins 
And give them to me 
Close up, lemme back yeah 
I wanna be yours, wanna be your, hero 
And my heart beats 

Like the empires of the world unite 
We are alive 
And the stars make love to the universe 
You're my wild fire every single night 
We are alive 
And the stars make love to the universe 
And you touch me 

And I'm like .. and I'm like ... and I'm like ... Oooh! and I'm like 

I will follow you down wherever you go 
I, I'm baby I'm bound to you and do you know? 
Closer, pull me in tight 
I wanna be yours, wanna be your, hero 
And my heart beats 

Like the empires of the world unite 
We are alive 
And the stars make love to the universe 
You're my wild fire every single night 
We are alive 
And the stars make love to the universe 
And you touch me 

And I'm like ... and I'm like ... and I'm like 
We are alive .. and I'm like ... we are alive 

I'm just gonna raise my head 
Welcome to the final end 
And I'm gonna fight 
I'm just gonna raise my head 
And hold you close 

Like the empires of the world unite 
We are alive 
And the stars make love to the universe 
You're my wild fire every single night 
We are alive 
And the stars make love to the universe 
And you touch me 

And I'm like .. and I'm like ... and I'm like 
Oooh! And I'm like .. Oooh! And I'm like .. Oooh! And I'm like .. Oooh!

iruzkinik ez:

Argitaratu iruzkina