2014(e)ko otsailaren 7(a), ostirala

James Arthur

James Arthur 1988ko martxoak 2an jaio zen, gitarrista, abeslari eta piano jolea britanikoa da. Fama lortu zuen 'The X Factor' telesaioan agertu zenenan, 2012ko egin zen denboraldia irabazi egin zuen. Atera zuen lehenengo abestia 'Impossible' da eta arrakasta handia lortu zuen honekin. Fama eta exitu alde bat galdu zuen zeren bere letretan homofobia pixkat ikusten zen horregatik famatu batzuk iritsi txar batzuk heman zituzten berari buruz. Pop rock eta soul generoetan mugitzen da eta Syco Music diskografiarekin lan egiten du. Atera duen azkenengo abestia Recovery izen dauka.

I don't want to play this game no more
I don't wanna play it
I don't want to stay 'round here no more
I don't wanna stay here
Like rain on a Monday morning
Like pain that just keeps on going on

Look at all the hate they keep on showing
I don't want to see that
Look at all the stones they keep on throwing
I don't want to feel that
Like Sun that will keep on burning
I used to be so discerning, oh

In my recovery
I’m a soldier at war
I have broken down walls
I defined
I designed
My recovery

In the sound of the sea
In the oceans of me
I defined
I designed
My recovery

Keep soaring,
Keep song-writing
My recovery

And I can hear the choirs keep on singing
Tell me what they’re saying
And I can hear the phone
It keeps on ringing
I don’t want to answer
I know that I used to listen
And I know I’ve become dismissive

In my recovery
I’m a soldier at war
I have broken down walls
I defined
I designed
My recovery

In the sound of the sea
In the oceans of me
I defined
I designed
My recovery

Keep soaring,
Keep song-writing
My recovery

In my recovery
I’m a soldier at war
I have broken down walls
I defined
I designed
My recovery

In the sound of the sea
In the oceans of me
I defined
I designed
My recovery

Keep soaring,
Keep song-writing
My recovery

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