2013(e)ko azaroaren 14(a), osteguna

Backstreet Boys


           Pop talde bat da, Orlandon sortu zena, 1993an. Taldea 5 kide sortzen dute:

Alexander James McLean Fernández:                              Howie Dorough:              

Brian Littrell:                                                  Nick Carter:

Kevin Richardson:

5 mutil hauek bueltatu dira musika egitera, "Hormiguero" telesaioan atera ziren bere abesti berria aurkezteko.
Hemen usten dizuet momentu batzuk:

Abesti berria "In a world like this" deitzen da, zortzigarren albuna da. Irailean atera zen 30 an konkretuki.


You've got me wide open, wide open 
Now I'm yours 
You found me heartbroken, heartbroken 
On the floor 
Became my salvation, salvation 
Through the war, yeah 
You got me wide open, wide open 
Now I'm sure 

In a world like this where some back down 
I, I, know we're gonna make it 
In a time like this where love comes 'round 
I, I, know we're gonna take it 
In a world like this where people fall apart 
In a time like this where nothing comes from the heart 
In a world like this, I've got you 

And now I'm free falling, free falling 
In your eyes 
You got me still calling, still calling 
No surprise 
I never knew I could love 'til the 
End of time, yeah 
And now I'm free falling, free falling 
By your side 

In a world like this where some back down 
I, I, know we're gonna make it 
In a time like this where love comes 'round 
I, I, know we're gonna take it 
In a world like this where people fall apart 
In a time like this where nothing comes from the heart 
In a world like this, I've got you 

Ah, yeah 
Ah, In a world like this 

You got me wide open, wide open, yeah 
And now I'm free falling, free falling 
Hey, yeah, yeah 
Yeah yeah yeah 
In a world like, in a world like 
'Cause I got you in a world like this 

In a world like this where some back down 
I, I, know we're gonna make it 
In a time like this where love comes 'round 
I, I, know we're gonna take it 
In a world like this where people fall apart 
In a time like this where nothing comes from the heart 
In a world like this, I've got you


Eta bukatzeko, gustuko ditudan bi abesti: " Yes or no" eta "Unmistakable".
Unmistakable abestia 2004ko film batena da,"Wicker Par".

Dramasko eta amodiozko film bat, Josh HartnettDiane Kruger y Rose Byrne dira protagonistak.



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